How & Why Hypnotherapy Works
When you come to see me the first session will take around an hour (1½ hours for weight loss). I’ll take you to The Cabin, my Consulting room and we’ll have a chat about the issues with which you would like help. You will make yourself comfortable on the ‘Hypno chair’ and I’ll put on some relaxing music and begin the hypnotherapy.
I will use an ‘induction’ and you will feel lovely and relaxed and be in a ‘trance-like’ state although you won’t necessarily feel or notice anything different. Your brain waves will change from the normal Beta waves of being awake to Alpha or Theta waves which, MRI & EEGs have shown, reduce the activity of your conscious mind and opens your unconscious mind. It is your unconscious mind that controls habits (like typing or driving a car without really thinking), and it is the bad habits/thinking that I will replace with the positive suggestions of the changes you want to make. Once the session is over, you are able to continue your day as normal. The usual side-effects are a feeling of calm and better sleep.
Each session after that will usually take just under an hour. The number of sessions required varies tremendously, it depends on what you would like to achieve. Most issues require an initial 3 sessions, which is the minimum time to change a habit. The first few sessions are, ideally, weekly and then (if any more sessions are required) we will tailor it around your circumstances. I will record the sessions so that you can listen to them in between our meetings, so if you have an iphone or a device with a voice recorder on it please bring it, otherwise I will email the recording to you. Each time you come we will discuss how you got on the previous week and I’ll tailor the session to overcome any problems you face and/or give boosts where necessary.
With hypnotherapy there are three important points, firstly, you must really want to solve your issues, secondly you must truly surrender yourself to hypnosis and most importantly, you must be prepared to look after yourself and do what is necessary; which includes listening to the recordings and prioritising your hypnotherapy programme.
If you have any questions please feel free to call as I would be very happy to have a chat or you can email if you prefer, or if I have answered everything and you would like to make your appointments please let me know when it is convenient for you.